
Step 1
Pre-heat the oven to 240 °C.
Step 2
Place the milk, lemon peels and cinnamon sticks in a pot.
Step 3
Bring to boil and turn off the heat.
Step 4
In bowl, combine the sugar and flour.
Step 5
Add the milk mixture, while still hot, and mix well using a whisk.
Step 6
Remove the lemon peels and cinnamon sticks. Let cool for 10 minutes.
Step 7
Add the whole eggs and yolks. Mix with a whisk until obtaining a smooth custard. Place on the stove, on a low to medium heat, mixing until it thickens.
Step 8
Roll out the puff pastry and cut out circles slightly bigger than the moulds.
Step 9
Wet your thumbs and line the small individual moulds with the pastry, pressing well until the pastry reaches the edges of the mould.
Step 10
Fill the shells with the custard and bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve while hot. Suggestion: sprinkle with cinnamon and/or icing sugar.
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